Door number 1: Think about your behavior pattern

Your doors to success:

Door number 1: Think about your behavior pattern.

First of all, you need to ask yourself a question.
What keeps you from achieving success? You don't know? It's ok.

My first door is the environment. Your family and relationships. Let's focused on it.

Are your parents toxic? Is your environment toxic?

What you should know about it? How do you know there is something wrong with your relationships?
"When I was 25, I discovered that there was something wrong with my mother," my good friend once said.
When she began to talk about her mother, my eyes opened wider and wider. I felt like the story was about my family, not hers.
- we are a reflection of what we get from the environment.
Let me discuss this for example.

And then she did it. She broke my curse. Why? Because thanks to her I understood the truth.
We replicate the patterns which we get from home, from school, from family, from friends, we move them to others.
We think of ourselves how our parents thought us to think.
Zelena Mills or the Wicked Witch of the West.

Do you know her?
Was she Wicked? She was. Do you ever wonder why?
You will find answers here.

What message did this young girl receive from her father? In this scene, it is shown very literally.Lonely, abandoned, with a father who does not accept her and without the support of her friends.
She was going to go out into the world, be a hero and save everyone? No. She did "the pattern" which she knows best. She became Wicked Witch. Couse after all she was wicked, wasn't she?

But do not worry.

It's not just the family environment that moulds us.

There is also a group we belong to if you didn't get good things from your family you can get it from your friends and use that pattern in your life.
See that when Zelena received a positive feedback from the fairies, she was able to change her behavior pattern.

And it changed radically when she got approval from her sister.

Why am I writing about this?

Because your going through door number 1 depends on your behavior pattern witch you copy from your family and friends. This is the first step to your success - changing your behavior pattern if it's needed.

What we take from environment depends on us and its matter of our own choice.
Choose people who are giving you understanding and support. If it's your family - you're the lucky one! If it's not - find people like you - they will able to help you go through changing process.
As humans, we are herd animals, we live in groups and it's a natural thing for us to have a "herd" to function properly. But it depends on us, what environment we choose.

Feeling good in your environment is a matter of choice.


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